
What I would like to ask in my free psychic reading question is, I need advice on what is the best thing to do in a situation with a guy. I am not to sure if I should walk away from him, or stick around and help him through this bad time and see what will happen between us. We were together, then he wanted to just be friends and now he has asked for his space. Not to sure if I should just walk away now

Give him his space and get on with your life. Sticking around makes it look like you are pursuing him and that is the kiss of death to this situation. Put yourself back out on the market to date. The guy you are asking about is not ready, or wanting, a relationship. Trying to “help” him is not what he wants and will backfire on you.
Timing is everything and the timing in his life is all wrong and he has made that clear. If you try to make contact with him after he has asked for space, it will make you look needy and desperate. It will also annoy him and it will cause you to loose any chance of a relationship with him at a later date.
One last thing you might want to consider is that he may not be into you and is wanting to date other girls. If this is the case, pursuing him will not make him ant you any more.
If you want to have a chance with this guy, give him his space. If he comes back to you, he really does care for you. If not, then he is just not ready or just not into you.

However, if this had been a long term relationship and he did not ask to be “just friends” then I would say that there is hope for this relationship. Men often need their space even when they are deeply in love with a woman. If she understands this and gives it to him he often comes back to her  even more committed than before. If a man is having work issues or serious family issues he often withdraws onto himself and becomes distant. It’s not your fault but he does not process his emotions as easily as you so he needs tome alone to do it. Gently give him his space and let him know that you are doing this but you hope he will come back to you when he is ready. A majority of the time he will come back to you much more quickly than expected as he eventually realizes that he misses you and is grateful that you “understood” him so well.