Sometimes when a guys loves you, he still has issues with having his wings clipped. It is the old push/ pull of wanting you to be there for him, but not wanting to make a commitment. Women often find this extremely confusing and do not know how to handle it. They do not realize that …
Category Archives: LOVE
How do I get a guy to notice me?
This is a common one in my free psychic Question Email There is a man I feel overwhelmingly connected to – even though he does not know who I am. I have had VERY vivid dreams about him/us and I feel so strong for him, like in my bones.. If there is potential for a …
The danger in rebound relationships
Q I started dating a guy who just got out of a long term relationship. We have sex and it is great, but he tells me he isn’t ready to be in a relationship right now. He says he has a lot on his mind right now and needs to be free for awhile… I …
Where is my Soulmate?
You will not like this answer, but I do not believe in soul mates. The story of soul-mates was invented by Euripides during a drinking game and storytelling contest in ancient Greece. It has nothing to do with what modern “story tellers” have made it out to be. I know you want to believe that …
Soulties & Soulmates and why they sometimes change
QuestionI was wondering if my relationship with my oldest child’s father is consider a soul tie or if I am hold on to nothing. AnswerI get a LOT of questions about soul ties/ soul mates in my free psychic question/ free psychic reading mail. This is a very misunderstood concept. I hope my answer below …
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How do I get him to commit to me?
Many guys are going to balk at the first sign of your needing a commitment. Particularly if you push him for one. This puts a lot of women in a difficult position. What to do when you really want one ? Well first of all he is going to see you as more desirable if …
Should I wait for him or should I move on?
Here is another one I get often in my free Psychic Reading Questions. Q. I don’t know if this guy has feelings for me. Should I keep waiting for him or move on.. A.If you want him to move faster, don’t be as available to him. Make it appear that you might be dating others. …
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My relationships start out well, but something always goes wrong
My relationships start out well, but something always goes wrong I get a lot of ” things started off so well then went wrong” questions in my free psychic reading email. Here is a brief explanation of why this happens due to the stages in relationships. QuestionMy question has to do with relationship. I have …
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We were so close for three months, now he pulls away
Relationships develop in stages. In the first three months you are in the infatuation stage, or the honeymoon stage when everything looks rosy and you both are focusing on the good things about each other. After about three months you both may notice those little things that may be questionable or annoying about each other. …
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I told him I was giving him some space until he is ready to commit
When you communicate do not ask him if he is ready to commit. Do not mention the relationship at all. simply make small talk about what he is doing in his life and what you are doing in yours, accomplishments at work etc. He needs to feel safe in communication with you and not guilty …
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