My husband is texting other women after our child died

This one just about broke my heart when I found it in my free psychic question email.

I have been married for 25 years, and still love my husband very much. Four years ago we lost our daughter (age 20) in a car wreck. We have been through some very hard times since. Last year he quit his job after 13 years and took a job working on the road. I felt us growing further and further apart during that time. I even felt like he had “flirtations” or maybe more with other women. When I discovered he had actually been texting for a couple of days back and forth with another woman that was it. I don’t think he was actually sleeping with this woman. He swore he never touched another woman….Right after I caught him texting, he got payed off from that job, and was home for about 6 weeks before leaving again to start a new job. So I am now living in the RV with him and he says he loves me and has really made an effort to be good to me, but I feel like he is holding something back from me.

He loves you and needs you in his life, but the passing of our daughter has had a strong emotional effect on him. He subconsciously wants nurturing from someone who is not experiencing the same pain and loss that he is.
I do not feel he is unfaithful to you, but I do feel he is reaching out for female sympathy and this cannot be good for your marriage.
Often when a couple experiences a loss of a child they both get lost in their own grief and are unable to console each other. To make matters worse, spending time together in what used to be in their daily routine in which they supported each other, simply reminds them of their great loss. As they are both too sad to be there for each other emotionally, they pull away from each other
He needs someone to talk to but as you are suffering as well, he does not want to make you suffer any more.
This is all subconscious, so all he knows is how he feels and reacts.
It is up to you to decide how to handle this information to make things better between you two.
Perhaps a trusted family friend, pastor or counselor who he can talk to on his own about this?