Why Some Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

Some women stay in an abusive relationship because they still hope that their partner will change and that everything will soon be okay. But most of the time, they stay because they have no where to go too, they have no family to run, someone who will support them to move one. They have been cut off from their support group by their abuser who very carefully took over their lives and their friendships alienating their victim from the support group they once had.

Sometimes It is so hard to let go of a relationship that that you have been in for so long, even if it was toxic.
Nature made it that way so women would stay with men and have and rise children. Nature can be cruel sometimes. That is why it is so painful to let go even when you know it is the best thing to do. We become chemically bonded to the ones we love. Studies have shown that when we love someone, our brains show strong activity ( under MRI scans) that are exactly in the same place and exactly the same sort of activity that cocaine users brains do when they are using cocaine.
So nature made love like a drug addiction for us..
It is really, really, painful to let go of..
Nature made it almost a”punishment” for women to be alone. We become depressed, sad, lonely, often to the point of feeling like it is better to stay in a difficult relationship that to be alone.
This is actually a chemical withdrawal that can be a total hell as it often takes longer to get over that that of one craving a drug high. It is extremely painful and is made worse by well meaning friends and family trying to tell us to ” just get over it”
I have heard situations in which even therapists were so insensitive as to tell patients who came to them with this issues to ” just let it go”.
Science has taught us now that it is not that easy as this is actually a physical manifestation that is extremely powerful .
I have many people calling me saying they felt the were ” going crazy” not knowing what they could do about it. My answer is that it is going to hurt for awhile and it DOES help to take about it to work it out of your system. Yes, your friends will eventually get sick of hearing about it and they will eventually tell you that you need to move on. that is why it is so helpful to talk to a psychic about these things. first of all they can give you insight into the relationship that you may to have at can tell you exactly how your lost love is dealing with the situation, how they felt and if they are in another relationship or still healing from your breakup. This can give you the information you need to help you heal. Yep, this information can actually help…. Knowing what is happening it the life of your lost love can actually aid in the healing process.